Miguel Garcia

About myself!

Hello and welcome to my portfolio, I'm Miguel Garcia and I'm born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. Im currently in the We Can Code it program studying to be a full stack developer


  1. Java
  2. JavaScript
  3. HTML
  4. Github
  5. TDD
  6. Agile
  7. MVC


Virtual Pet

Image of my virtualPet code

In this virtual pet project, me and a team of 3 other people were tasked to create a adoption shelter, were you could adopt, feed, play, and bathe pets using Java, Agile Methodology, and TDD.


Reading Rainbow

Image of my Reading rainbow code

In this project, me and a team of 3 others were asked to create a blog, that reviewed books from different genres. This project used Java, Agile Methodology, TDD, MVC, HTML, and Thymeleaf.


Album Collection

Image of my Album project code

In this project, me and a team of 3 others we asked to create a website that we could collect songs and albums, being able to rate the song as well. This project used Java, JavaScript, Agile Methodology, TDD, MVC, HTML, API, REST, and CRUD


Want to get in contact with me?

E-mail: miguelg31909@gmail.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguel-garcia-ba6433207/

Github: https://github.com/MGarcia31909